Friday, December 22, 2006

Know your Internet, Christmas Edition

So in addition to keeping our country safe from Saddam's voluminous WMD collection, our government takes on the extra duty on Christmas Eve to track Santa's progress around the globe. The site is called NORAD Tracks Santa, and is actually pretty cool, imho. You can go there now and it's not much to see yet, but starting Christmas Eve they update it every hour with a short computer generated video that shows Santa on his sleigh wherever in the world it is currently midnight. You know, Santa circling the pyramids, Santa flying over the Eiffel Tower, that sort of thing. Our girls love it and they keep checking to see where Santa is at the time, so it's a great run-up to Christmas day.

Anyway, Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays! Chappy Chanukah! Krazy Kwanza! Fun Festivus! Pleasant (insert your celebratory event of choice here)!


Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas jonnynono!

momster said...

Wow! Pete Townshend reads your blog, Jon!